Classification of Smart Watch

Smart watches are accepted by more and more people because of their portability. Many different smart watches have emerged in the market. There are many watches that it is difficult to distinguish. From the application function, smart watches are divided into three types: health, sports and life.

There are many functions in the health category. Such as blood sample detection, heart rate monitoring, sleep monitoring and sedentary reminding functions. Heart rate monitoring is one of the most used functions. Heart is one of the most important organs of body. People pay more attentions to the heart. With the function of heart monitoring, people can always pay attention to their heart problems. This function is very useful for people who want lose weight. Aerobic exercise is needed when losing weight. When people do aerobic exercise, their heart rate will be in a fixed range. Through smart watch, the user can adjust their plan according to the data. You can strengthen or reduce the intensity of exercise to achieve the best effect.


Sleep monitoring is an important function for many people. The sleep state at night determines the working state of the next day. If you don't sleep well at night, you can choose to do easier work the next day. You can relax yourself during the day to avoid making mistakes due to poor state.

For office workers, sedentary reminding is a very necessary function. Sitting for a long time will cause a series of waist diseases. This function will send out reminders at the appropriate time. Users can stand up and walk after receiving the reminder. This can not only reduce your waist burden, but also relax your body.

Sports smart watches mainly serve sports life. In addition to recording the most basic sports data, there are different sports modes. The advanced sports smart watches contain more than ten sports modes. There are running, swimming, riding and other modes. The smart watch has waterproof function and does not need to be removed in daily use.

The function of life smart watch is much simpler. It is the message reminding. If you are in a meeting or in the library, ringtone is a distressing problem. You don't know if there is any news until you turn on the voice reminder. The voice reminder will affect others. The message reminder of the smart watch is much more humanized. Users can feel the vibration of the smart watch, but it will not affect others.

These are the three types of smart watches. You can choose the smart watch according to your own needs. Only in this way can we find the one that suits us best.

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