Man falls in love with porn-packed Macbook, tries to marry it

A Florida judge has ridiculed a man who wanted to marry his porn-laden Apple Macbook after claiming he "fell in love" with his laptop.

Chris Sevier (pictured) said that he "preferred" having sex with his computer "over sex with real women", but a Florida judge has dismissed the filing.

"Perhaps the motion is satirical. Or perhaps it is only removed from reality. Either way, the motion has no place in this lawsuit," Judge Robert Hinkle explained.

Sevier was suspended from practicing law in Tennessee in 2011 due to "mental infirmity and illness". He has a colourful history of outlandish lawsuits, having previously attempted to sue Apple for selling him a computer that caused him to become addicted to porn.

Having failed to marry his Macbook in Florida, Sevier attempted to obtain a marriage licence in Utah but was turned down.

In both instances Sevier intervened in the on-going debate about same-sex marriage in certain US states. He claimed that if gay people "have the right to marry their objects of sexual desire, even if they lack corresponding sexual parts" then he should be allowed to marry his "preferred sexual object".

"Proponents of gay behavior had made the choice to have sex with members of the same sex, and due to the straight forward science of dopamine, they have become bonded together with a person of the same sex upon repeated orgasm, naturally developing a preference that they argue is worth having state recognition and ratification," Sevier claimed.

Florida is currently considering whether it will recognise same-sex marriages from other states, while Utah has suspended same-sex marriages pending an appeal.

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