Under 5G Technology, iPhone 12 is Worthy to Buy or Not

The annual new product launch of APPLE win the most focus of customers. This year, the product launch of IPHONE12 is based on 5G technology. We will compare the development of 5G technology and the configuration of iPhone. To conclude that IPHONE 12 is worthy to buy under t5G technology or not.

First of all, we will look at the mature development of 5G technology. There are different perspective of the development of 5G technology in different countries. In the United States, they choose high frequency band as 5G communication band. For the high frequency band, the United States has great advantages. But the actual development is very difficult. Also, the application speed is slow. These all lead to the development prospect is not optimistic. In South Korea, they suddenly announced 5G mobile technology has been commercialized in 2019. This makes it to be the first 5G commercialized country in the world. But South Korea still faces many problems in the use. For example, the 5G coverage is low, the signal is unstable. Also, the available models are relatively few and the operating cost is high. This causes the contradiction between consumers and operators. Resulting in the development of 5G become more difficult.

In China, Chinese mastered most of the core technologies of 5G. It also faces the disadvantages of insufficient spectrum. A part of the spectrum has been occupied, resulting in less available. There is no consensus on the division and use of 5G spectrum in the world. From the 5G development in various countries, there is the biggest problem. That is the cost is too expensive. 5G is not yet universally accepted. The development of 5G still needs practice. When purchasing IPHONE12 under 5G, people need to make a comprehensive consideration. That including their own condition and the acceptable price from the operator.

The configuration of IPHONE11 and IPHONE12 can be compared. The biggest difference is IPHONE12 is equipped with 5G technology network. But it has not been greatly improved in other configurations. From the feedback collected from all kinds of consumers, its 5G technology is not mature. Because the signals are intermittent sometimes. Different mobile phones used in the same environment, and same operator. Among them, 5G signal of IPHONE12 is missing. Apple released IPHONE under 5G technology for the first time. It is inevitable that there will be immature problems. Therefore, consumers should treat the 5G technology of IPHONE 12 dialectically. This is the first generation of 5G products. So we should give IPHONE development space of 5G technology. There is no need to upgrade and buy new models. When the new products come out, customers can wait some time.

For the products under 5G technology, consumers should be more rational. Considering from consumption budget, use demand and 5G technology coverage. In the relatively mature environment of 4g, is it necessary to use 5G? 5G speed is fast. But whether 4g has met the need of your daily life. As the first generation of 5G products, the technology of IPHONE12 is not so mature. So we should be rational in consumption. Many consumers buy 5G products. But find there is no 5G coverage in their local places. IPHONE has occupied most of the market since released. But the development technology of IPHONE does not represent 5G. Consumers should consider whether they really need IPHONE under 5G. From the consumption budget, usage demand and 5G coverage.

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