All the best apps to track your favorite TV Shows

You could almost say that we’re overrun with TV shows these days. There’s just so much new content hitting streaming sites like Netflix , Amazon Prime , and HBO Now that sometimes we can end up feeling a little lost. This is even before you have to consider regular TV that simply airs TV shows whenever the hell it wants to. You either watch them or you miss them, it’s that simple.

So, yes, we are living in a golden era of TV and video, but it’s easy to feel like you need help keeping on top of all the excellent content that’s available. Well, that’s where TV trackers come in and today, we’re going to walk you through all the best apps that will help you track your favorite shows. These are some of the top picks. Head on over to for a complete list of TV Tracking Apps .

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Best TV Show tracker apps


You could say that Trakt is the ultimate TV tracking app because it works across a whole host of platforms including Kodi, Plex, Netflix, VLC, Android, iPhone, and Windows as well as many more. Strictly speaking, however, it isn’t an app but rather the code that powers many other apps.

Trakt uses what it calls Scrobbling to automatically track your TV shows if you watch using one of Trakt’s integrated platforms. You’ll also find features that allow you to rate what you’re watching and debate and share your views with other users too.

Next Episode

This fantastic app is available on both Android and iOS. It isn’t an app version of the classic track from Dr. Dre’s massive 2001 album, but it is something just as good. Next Episode has an easy to use interface and offers personalized recommendations based on your viewing preferences. Next Episode also brings in a social aspect to things by making it possible for you to track what other users of the app are watching too.

Just Watch

Just Watch is a website and mobile app that offers comprehensive listings for pretty much every single streaming service you can imagine. It is easy to use with all listings being just a click away, and comprehensive breakdowns of content into categories including genre, age rating, rating on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, and release year. All content is then laid out in a simple timeline showing when each title was added to the streaming service.

What’s also great about Just Watch is that you can sign up and create an account to access even more features. The best of these, without doubt, is the ability to answer questions about your viewing tastes so that Just Watch can then make better recommendations about new content you should watch.

TeeVee 3

TeeVee 3 is a fantastic looking app for iOS iPhone and iPad that really makes the shows you’re keeping track of pop out the screen. The best feature TeeVee 3 offers anybody who is looking to track their favorite shows is the ability to export shows to the Apple Calendar. What’s even better is that once you do so, the app will then block all spoilers from future show descriptions.


Both Android and iPhone users can download TVTime and get their hands on a great TV tracking app that also gives them the ability to review the shows they’re watching and read other user reviews too. Users can also find articles about their favorite shows, as well as podcasts and related videos. The main crux of the app, however, is the ability to build yourself a Watch List that TVTime app can then track for you. The app also allows you to see shows that are coming soon to various networks and streaming services.

Series Addict

As you’d expect from the name, Series Addict is a great app for anybody who can’t stop watching their favorite shows. It looks great and brings you detailed overviews of your shows, as well as an easy to set up personal TV Guide that will tell you where you’re up to with all your favorite shows and what episode you should watch next. Unfortunately for all iPhone and iPad users, however, Series Addict is only available on Android smartphones.


If you want to keep track of which shows you’ve watched and which you haven’t, you can’t go wrong with Seriesguide. The app is well designed and easy to navigate meaning it isn’t difficult getting yourself set up and all your favorite shows into the system. You can then keep track of all the episodes you’ve watched and even rate them and leave comments if you connect your app to Seriesguide also allows you to keep an eye on upcoming releases.


With so many big apps in this list offering all sorts of super features and interconnectivity, we’re glad to add a much smaller, more lightweight, and easier to use the option in Hobi. You download Hobi onto your iPhone or Android smartphone, you tell it all the shows you like, and then it sends you notifications whenever new shows are about to air. You can also take control of Hobi notifications and tell the app exactly how long in advance you want to know about upcoming apps.

Wrapping up

It can seem like technology is getting ahead of us and making it more difficult than ever to keep on top of our favorite TV Shows. The truth, however, is that there has never been so many tools available for TV fans to track their shows so that they know exactly when they’ll get to see the shows they love. We’ve outlined eight fantastic apps that will allow you to easily stay on top of your TV viewing.

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