How to Build a Java Environment

With the rapid development of computer network, network programming language has been paid more and more attention by the public. The Java programming language environment scaffolding is also getting a lot of attention. How the Java programming language is architecting is also an area of concern. The following is to explain how to build the Java environment.


1. First download the JDK installation package

For the JDK installation package, you can download the corresponding version and the number from Sun's official website. For the different computers you should do after understanding the download, so that the following steps can be successfully completed.

2. The installation of Java

Installation of Java is similar to that of other applications. The installation process is simple, mainly in the configuration of its path. You should know that there are two parts to the installation process. One part is the installation of the JDK, which is used during Java development. The other part is the installation of the JRE, which is used by the Java runtime.


You will need to configure the Java environment variables after the installation to use Java properly. Java is not a feature that comes with Windows. Windows does not know the exact location of this java.exe. You need to actively add this configuration to your environment variables. If your computer is XP, you should right click on "my computer" and then click on the properties of the advanced. If it's Windows 7, you need to right-click on "Computer" and then click on the properties to find the advanced system Settings. Click Advanced System Configuration. System environment variables can be set in the advanced system configuration. There are two things we need to configure in the environment variables. One is the environment variable configuration of the user AdminStrator, and the other is the environment variable configuration of the system. In general, you can configure the system environment variables on your own computer.

4. Configuration of JAVA_HOME

In the configuration of this section, the variable name for this will be JAVA_HOME. You need to select the path to install Java into the JDK folder. Also, notice that environment variable names are usually in upper case. The variable value is simply entered into the directory where the Java installation was made into the JDK folder. And then we hit OK.

5. Configuration of CLASSPATH

The configuration for CLASSPATH is the environment variable that is actually used at runtime. You have to be a little more careful in this step. The variable name is CLASSPATH. For variable values, you can use the full path of tools.jar. Then click New to configure.

6. Check that the configuration is complete

The final step is to check that the configuration is complete. You can type Java in the command box or type java-version. If the relevant information appears on the page, the configuration is complete.

These are the steps for setting up the Java programming language environment. We should also have a clear understanding of these steps in the actual operation process. If you can remember these steps in your head, you will be able to build your Java environment.

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