Sending work emails can be tricky. All your email correspondence in work can either build up or take away from your reputation. You see the emails you send are a reflection of you and if you’re sending disorganized emails then whoever reads them will think that you’re disorganized too. This might make it seem like there is a lot of pressure weighing down on you every time you press send but don’t worry we’re here to help.
These Tips will make you send better work emails
1. Introduce yourself correctly
Before you get started, you need to think about how well you know who you’re contacting. This will dictate how you should address them and how you should introduce yourself.
Bonus Point: You should have a professional signature that includes your name and job title, department, company and contact details.
2. Subject line is crucial

The subject line is the part of your email that is competing with all of the other emails that are sitting in your recipient’s inbox. You need to catch the recipient’s attention with relevant information and, if necessary, instill a sense of urgency. It is very important that your subject line is related to the contents of your message.
Bonus Point: If you’re only sending a short email with a single query why not put it in the subject line itself.
3. Keep your emails focused
Your emails should be short and to the point. Think about the purpose of the email you’re sending and how direct it needs to be. If you’re sending a complex email consider breaking it down into numbered points. You should also consider whether any of the points aren’t connected to the rest of the email and if so send them separately.

Bonus point: The most engaging paragraphs for readers contain about 20 words.
This Is How to Protect Your Emailed Documents
4. Be professional and polite
Nothing says inappropriate more than an emoticon in a business related email. The same goes informal language and abbreviations. Save all of those for the WhatsApp and text messages, you send your friends. Also, you should always close your emails appropriately with phrases like best, regards faithfully or sincerely.
Bonus point: Take the time to re-read your email before you send it. Automatic spell check won’t pick up everything.
5. Respect privacy
A wise man once said that you should praise publicly and criticize privately. If you add to this that emails can very easily become public you know that you need to think carefully about the types of details you include in your emails. As well as harsh criticisms, you should try to avoid sending sensitive information and always check that it is ok to do so before you forward on emails you’ve received from somebody else.
Bonus point: Use the Bcc option if you want to send sensitive emails to more than one person at a time. This means that you can send the email to multiple recipients without them knowing who else has received it.
6. Never send an email when you’re emotional
We’re all only human, which means that sometimes our emotions can get the better of us. Whether you’re wound up because of something in an email you’re responding to or because of some outside factor doesn’t matter. Never press send when you’re feeling angry or upset.
Bonus point: Re-read the email you’ve written and if you’re still feeling angry stand up and take a walk around the office. Only press send after you’ve calmed down.
7. Organize your inbox
It is important to keep on top of your inbox because it can very quickly get out of hand. You should create special folders so that you can sort out your emails and will know where to find them and the level or urgency required. Also, you should delete emails that you know you won’t need because an inbox full of unread emails can be a daunting prospect.
Bonus point: Set specific times during the day when you will check your emails. This will free up time to get other stuff done but will also keep you motivated to organize your inbox accordingly.
8. Respond promptly
It is important to come across as professional and polite so you should always respond to emails promptly. Even if all you can manage is a short message explaining that you’re busy and will be back in touch soon, it is important to let the sender know that you’ve read their email and will address when you have time.
Bonus point: You should tread carefully with automated responses but advances in AI are making options like Gmail Smart replies worth looking at.
Sending emails can take up a huge chunk of your day so it is important to get them right. Also, with many professional relationships you will only ever deal with somebody via email so they provide you with your only chance to shine. If you follow the tips above the emails you send in work will improve and will give a better impression of you to the people that you’re working with.
For more tips and tricks on sending email check out the links below:
How to recognize suspicious emails
Follow me on Twitter: @ PatrickDevaney_
The hints and tips for this article where taken from the sites: inc , jerz , monster , payscale , Business Insider and JDStrategies